Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہُ , whose real name was Abdullaah. He was the son of Abu Qahafah, whose real name was Usman. His lineage was therefore Abdullaah bin Usman bin Aamir and he belonged to the Quraysh tribe of Makkah. He was amongst the vanguards of Islam, was one of the Khulafaa-e-Rashideen as well as amongst the Asharah Mubashara. He was the first man to accept Islam and gave everything he had for the sake of Islam. Allah عزوجل blessed him to Protect Rasulullaah صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ , to propagate the Islam and also blessed him with an exceptional level of Imaan and love for Allah عزوجل . He was the sword of the Muslims in the struggle against the Munafiqen and enemies of Islam. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, one of the first Caliphs of t...