Muslim festivals are celebrated with zest and zeal across the globe. This year Muslim community celebrated Eid-ul-Adha on 22nd Aug and the preparation for the upcoming event is in full bloom.Millions of Muslims around the world are celebrating the Eid al-Adha holiday as some two million pilgrims carry out the final rites of the annual Hajj in Saudi Arabia.Let’s take a trip around the world to look how nations, students or foreign Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Adha at their places.
Saudi Arabia:
The journey begins with Saudi Arabia obviously, where millions of Muslims have gathered to perform Haj. Eid ul Adha is celebrated to revive the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim and his son Prophet Ismail .This is a significant part of Haj rituals. All Hajis celebrate Eid-al Adha during Haj days. They will sacrifice Animals at Mina, open their Ahraam and cut their hair and nails. Besides unlimited number of global pilgrims at Haj, the Saudi citizens celebrate Eid –ul Adha with full sacredness and inviolability. A week holidays were given at this event and Saudi Govt. officials and the residents gathered at Eidgah to offer Eid prayers .Women tend to buy gold at this festive occasion and the aroma of savoring meat dishes gust everywhere around the region.
Turkey :
Turkey is one of the greatest Muslim state. The people of turkey celebrate Eid Al adha like the other Muslims of the world.Called Eid el-Adha or Eid el-Kebir in Arabic, Kurban Bayramı (koor-BAHN bahy-rah-muh) is the most important Islamic religious festival of the year, and a 4 or 5-day public holiday in Turkey. It will affect your travel plans, so be prepared for it.You may see authorized sacrifice abbatoirs (kurban kesme yerleri) in fields outside of cities. These special areas are established by city governments for the sacrifice of animals under sanitary conditions. It is illegal to sacrifice animals outside of these areas.Because the main purpose of the sacrifice is charity, many Muslims—especially those living in large cities—choose to donate money rather than perform the sacrifice, a substitution allowed in Turkish Islam.
Turkey is one of the greatest Muslim state. The people of turkey celebrate Eid Al adha like the other Muslims of the world.Called Eid el-Adha or Eid el-Kebir in Arabic, Kurban Bayramı (koor-BAHN bahy-rah-muh) is the most important Islamic religious festival of the year, and a 4 or 5-day public holiday in Turkey. It will affect your travel plans, so be prepared for it.You may see authorized sacrifice abbatoirs (kurban kesme yerleri) in fields outside of cities. These special areas are established by city governments for the sacrifice of animals under sanitary conditions. It is illegal to sacrifice animals outside of these areas.Because the main purpose of the sacrifice is charity, many Muslims—especially those living in large cities—choose to donate money rather than perform the sacrifice, a substitution allowed in Turkish Islam.

Eid ul Adha is known as Eid al-Kabir in Morocco. Sweet treats and cookies are prepared the night before the Eid and everybody is happy in their new outfits. Moroccan cuisine such as mechoui, steamed lamb, and Mrouzia is merely enjoyed at this occasion.

Egyptians celebrate Eid al Adha with great passion. Just like Pakistanis, they sacrifice animals and like to have meat cubes or stir-fried liver in the breakfast. Fatta, the toasted rice with tomato based sauce and bread which compliments the meat servings is the compulsory cuisine of Eid .Other meat treats include Ro’a’ and arsia. ‘arsia is a special festive cuisine in which a special vessel is used to cook goat or lamb with rice, later turns into a mush, arsia is served with butter, stew and tamarind sauce.

A Russian visitor has reported Eid-ul-Adha celebration near Grand Mosque on Prospekt Mira, where Muslims were on their way to attend the prayer and the subsequent Eid sermon .The visitor mentioned about the organized stream of lines walking in the same direction. Muslims from neighboring territories like Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan were part of the stream. The people outside the mosque offer Namaz on prayer rugs laid on the street. After the prayer Muslim exchanged good wishes and shook hands. Later they sacrifice animals in Khimki forest, located in the outskirts of Moscow.
In Singapore Eid-ul Adha is known as Hari Raya Haji. Sacrificing animals in Singapore is a hard task due to difficulty in receiving shipments and the high costs of livestock. In Singapore a sacrificing sheep can cost up to S$500therefore Muslims prefer to sacrifice animals in their motherland. However Muslim families visit relatives. Even if the Qurbani is not performed, Muslim community enjoys meat meals. On Eid day, Muslims in Singapore give donations to needy people. Girls put henna tattoo on their arms and feet.

In the United States, around 4 to 6.5 million Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Adha. They attend the morning prayers at Masjids or community centers and enjoy evening festivities with family and friends. They either book the sacrificing animal at Islamic or halal slaughter houses or send money to their respective countries for Qurbani purpose. Communities organize cultural programs or Eid Bazar to celebrate Eid festivities.
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